145 research outputs found

    Regulation of Chitin-Dependent Growth and Natural Competence in Vibrio parahaemolyticus

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    Vibrios can degrade chitin surfaces to soluble N-acetyl glucosamine oligosaccharides (GlcNAc(n)) that can be utilized as a carbon source and also induce a state of natural genetic competence. In this study, we characterized chitin-dependent growth and natural competence in Vibrio parahaemolyticus and its regulation. We found that growth on chitin was regulated through chitin sensors ChiS (sensor histidine kinase) and TfoS (transmembrane transcriptional regulator) by predominantly controlling the expression of chitinase VPA0055 (ChiA2) in a TfoX-dependent manner. The reduced growth of Delta chiA2, Delta chiS and Delta tfoS mutants highlighted the critical role played by ChiA2 in chitin breakdown. This growth defect of Delta chiA2 mutant could be recovered when chitin oligosaccharides GlcNAc(2) or GlcNAc(6) were supplied instead of chitin. The Delta tfoS mutant was also able to grow on GlcNAc(2) but the Delta chiS mutant could not, which indicates that GlcNAc(2) catabolic operon is dependent on ChiS and independent of TfoS. However, the Delta tfoS mutant was unable to utilize GlcNAc(6) because the periplasmic enzymes required for the breakdown of GlcNAc(6) were found to be downregulated at the mRNA level. We also showed that natural competence can be induced only by GlcNAc(6), not GlcNAc(2), because the expression of competence genes was significantly higher in the presence of GlcNAc(6) compared to GlcNAc(2). Moreover, this might be an indication that GlcNAc(2) and GlcNAc(6) were detected by different receptors. Therefore, we speculate that GlcNAc(2)-dependent activation of ChiS and GlcNAc(6)-dependent activation of TfoS might be crucial for the induction of natural competence in V. parahaemolyticus through the upregulation of the master competence regulator TfoX

    Hemolysin of <em>Vibrio</em> Species

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    Hemolysin is one of the major pathogenic factors among Vibrio species, which shows hemolytic activity against erythrocytes. It is associated with different Vibrio spp. that manifest either wound infection or intestinal infection as their clinical symptom. V. vulnificus and V. alginolyticus are well-known causative organisms for wound infection, whereas the gastrointestinal infection is caused by V. cholerae, V. mimicus, and V. parahaemolyticus. There are two major groups of hemolysins in Vibrio spp.: the thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) from V. parahaemolyticus and the HlyA (El Tor hemolysin) from V. cholerae. These hemolysins have homology in certain degrees; however, the essential amino acids for the activity are variable depending on the species. This chapter summarizes the functions and features of hemolysins from Vibrio species, which has been reported so far

    Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella in retail foods in northern China

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    A total of 387 retail meat, seafood and milk powder samples were collected from nine cities in northern China in 2005 and screened for the presence of Salmonella. Salmonella strains isolated were subjected to serotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Salmonella was isolated from 81 (20.9%, 81/387) samples and classified into 23 serotypes. The isolates were frequently resistant to sulfamethoxazole (86.4%), sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (48.1%), nalidixic acid (30.9%), tetracycline (19.8%), carboxybenzylpenicillin (17.3%), amoxicillin (17.3%) and ampicillin (16.0%). The multiple resistance (resistance to ≥ 3 antibiotics) was found in 29.6% (n = 24) isolates. Additionally, 4 isolates from chicken displayed the ACSSuTNx profile, resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfonamide, tetracycline and nalidixic acid, in particular, strain HBS084 showing the resistance to as many as 20 antibiotics. Salmonella from chicken showed the higher frequency of antimicrobial resistance. Our findings indicate that in northern China food products of animal origin can be a source of exposure for consumers to multiresistant Salmonella strain

    Effects of temperature, growth phase and luxO-disruption on regulation systems of toxin production in Vibrio vulnificus strain L-180, a human clinical isolate

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    Vibrio vulnificus is a halophilic estuarine bacterium while it causes fatal septicemia or necrotizing wound infections in humans. This pathogen secretes the metalloprotease (V. vulnificus protease: VVP) and the cytolysin (V. vulnificus hemolysin: VVH) as protein toxins; however, their production was coordinated in response to the bacterial cell density. This regulation is termed quorum sensing (QS) and is mediated by the small diffusible molecule called autoinducer 2 (AI-2). In the present study, we investigated effects of disruption of luxO encoding a central response regulator of the QS circuit, as well as effects of temperature and growth phase, on the toxin production by V. vulnificus. Disruption of luxO was found to increase VVP production and expression of its gene vvpE. The expression of smcR, crp and rpoS, of which products positively regulate vvpE expression, and luxS encoding the AI-2 synthetase were also significantly increased. On the other hand, the luxO disruption resulted in reduction of VVH production and expression of its gene vvhA. Expression of other two genes affecting the QS circuit, luxT and rpoN, were also significantly decreased. The regulation systems of VVP production were found to exert their action during the stationary phase of the bacterial growth and to be operated strongly at 26 °C. By contrast, those of VVH production apparently started at the log phase and were operated more effectively at 37 °C

    Long-Term Kinetics of Serological Antibodies against Vibrio cholerae Following a Clinical Cholera Case: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Approximately 2.9 million people worldwide suffer from cholera each year, many of whom are destitute. However, understanding of immunity against cholera is still limited. Several studies have reported the duration of antibodies following cholera; however, systematic reviews including a quantitative synthesis are lacking. Objective: To meta-analyze cohort studies that have evaluated vibriocidal, cholera toxin B subunit (CTB), and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antibody levels following a clinical cholera case. Methods: Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. We searched PubMed and Web of science for studies assessing antibodies against Vibrio cholerae in cohorts of patients with clinical cholera. Two authors independently extracted data and assessed the quality of included studies. Random effects models were used to pool antibody titers in adults and older children (aged >= 6 years). In sensitivity analysis, studies reporting data on young children (2-5 years) were included. Results: Nine studies met our inclusion criteria for systematic review and seven for meta-analysis. The pooled mean of vibriocidal antibody titers in adults and older children (aged >= 6 years) was 123 on day 2 post-symptom onset, which sharply increased on day 7 (pooled mean = 6956) and gradually waned to 2247 on day 30, 578 on day 90, and 177 on day 360. Anti-CTB IgA antibodies also peaked on day 7 (pooled mean = 49), followed by a rapid decrease on day 30 (pooled mean = 21), and further declined on day 90 (pooled mean = 10), after which it plateaued from day 180 (pooled mean = 8) to 360 (pooled mean = 6). Similarly, anti-CTB IgG antibodies peaked in early convalescence between days 7 (pooled mean = 65) and 30 (pooled mean = 69), then gradually waned on days 90 (pooled mean = 42) and 180 (pooled mean = 30) and returned to baseline on day 360 (pooled mean = 24). Anti-LPS IgA antibodies peaked on day 7 (pooled mean = 124), gradually declined on day 30 (pooled mean = 44), which persisted until day 360 (pooled mean = 10). Anti LPS IgG antibodies peaked on day 7 (pooled mean = 94). Thereafter, they decreased on day 30 (pooled mean = 85), and dropped further on days 90 (pooled mean = 51) and 180 (pooled mean = 47), and returned to baseline on day 360 (pooled mean = 32). Sensitivity analysis including data from young children (aged 2-5 years) showed very similar findings as in the primary analysis. Conclusions: This study confirms that serological antibody (vibriocidal, CTB, and LPS) titers return to baseline levels within 1 year following clinical cholera, i.e., before the protective immunity against subsequent cholera wanes. However, this decay should not be interpreted as waning immunity because immunity conferred by cholera against subsequent disease lasts 3-10 years. Our study provides evidence for surveillance strategies and future research on vaccines and also demonstrates the need for further studies to improve our understanding of immunity against cholera

    Colonization with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and traveler's diarrhea attack rates among travelers to India: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background India is an attractive destination for travelers. Unfortunately, numerous reports exist on traveler's diarrhea (TD) and fecal colonization with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli (ESBL-EC) among international travelers visiting India. Here, we systematically reviewed studies published on the acquisition of ESBL-EC and TD attack rates among international visitors to India. Methods Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. A systematic search was performed using Google Scholar, PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and gray literature from 2000 to December 2021, for studies containing data for ESBL-EC acquisition or TD experience related to a trip to India. Random effects models were used to compute the prevalence of ESBL-EC acquisition and TD attack. Results The literature search yielded a total of 5023 records. Of these, 31 met our inclusion criteria for systematic review and only 17 could be meta-analyzed (9 for TD, and 8 for ESBL-EC). The overall pooled attack rate of TD was 39% (95% confidence interval, CI: 25-53%). In studies where travelers' memory was used to diagnose TD, the pooled attack rate of TD was slightly higher (42%, 95% CI: 21-64%) compared to those where TD was objectively documented (33%, 95% CI: 17-49%). There were significant risks to be colonized with ESBL-EC among the travelers who experienced TD. The pooled rate of ESBL-EC colonization was 72% (CI: 67-78%). Most ESBL-EC produced CTX-M-15 enzyme. Furthermore, most of the travelers who acquired ESBL-EC were from highly industrialized countries recruited from travel clinics: Canada (n = 80), Germany (n = 69), Netherlands (n = 20), Sweden (n = 18), Japan (n = 10), Finland (n = 8), USA (n = 7), Spain (n = 5), and Denmark (n = 3). Conclusions TD pooled attack rate and ESBL-EC acquisition among international travelers visiting India were high in this study. However, we cannot make generalizations based upon this TD pooled attack rate for the current situation, due to a lack of current data. Our study highlights that travelers should be advised on TD to ensure that they do not disregard the risk of contracting TD and be better prepared as a result. It also illustrates the importance of international travel in acquiring antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli

    Inactivation of Vibrio vulnificus hemolysin through mutation of the N- or C-terminus of the lectin-like domain

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    Vibrio vulnificus is an etiological agent causing serious systemic infections in the immunocompromised humans or cultured eels. This species commonly produces a hemolytic toxin consisting of the cytolysin domain and the lectin-like domain. For hemolysis, the lectin-like domain specifically binds to cholesterol in the erythrocyte membrane, and to form a hollow oligomer, the toxin is subsequently assembled on the membrane. The cytolysin domain is essential for the process to form the oligomer. Three-dimensional structure model revealed that two domains connected linearly and the C-terminus was located near to the joint of the domains. Insertion of amino acid residues between two domains was found to cause inactivation of the toxin. In the C-terminus, deletion, substitution or addition of an amino acid residue also elicited reduction of the activity. However, the cholesterol-binding ability was not affected by the mutations. These results suggest that mutation of the C- or N-terminus of the lectin-like domain may result in blockage of the toxin assembly

    Cholera Outbreaks in India, 2011-2020: A Systematic Review

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    Fecal contamination of water sources and open defecation have been linked to cholera outbreaks in India. However, a systematic review on the drivers responsible for these outbreaks has yet to be published. Here, we systematically review the published literature on cholera outbreaks in India between 2011 and 2020. We searched studies in English in three databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Web of Science) and the Integrated Disease Surveillance Program that tracks cholera outbreaks throughout India. Two authors independently extracted data and assessed the quality of the included studies. Quantitative data on the modes of transmission reviewed in this study were assessed for any change over time between 2011-2015 and 2016-2020. Our search retrieved 10823 records initially, out of which 81 full-text studies were assessed for eligibility. Among these 81 studies, 20 were eligible for inclusion in this review. There were 565 reported outbreaks between 2011 and 2020 that led to 45,759 cases and 263 deaths. Outbreaks occurred throughout the year; however, they exploded with monsoons (June through September). In Tamil Nadu, a typical peak of cholera outbreaks was observed from December to January. Seventy-two percent (33,089/45,759) of outbreak-related cases were reported in five states, namely Maharashtra, West Bengal, Punjab, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh. Analysis of these outbreaks highlighted the main drivers of cholera including contaminated drinking water and food, inadequate sanitation and hygiene (including open defecation), and direct contact between households. The comparison between 2011-2015 and 2016-2020 showed a decreasing trend in the outbreaks that arose due to damaged water pipelines. Many Indians still struggle with open defecation, sanitation, and clean water access. These issues should be addressed critically. In addition, it is essential to interrupt cholera short-cycle transmission (mediated by households, stored drinking water and foodstuffs) during an outbreak. As cholera is associated with deprivation, socio-economic development is the only long-term solution